Pre-Marital Program

An important component of the premarital program is an online survey you each complete in about 30-45 minutes. PREPARE/ENRICH is not just any survey. The items you respond to are based on research and are intended to help you identify the unique strengths and potential growth areas of your premarital relationship. You'll meet with one of our licensed Marriage and Family Therapists to provide feedback by helping you understand your results and learn important relationship skills.

After the initial session, the couple's homework will be to complete the online assessment. Here are some of the topics covered in the premarital counseling sessions:

Communication Skills to Increase Intimacy
Assertiveness and Active Listening

Balancing Priorities
Work, Personal, Marriage, Home, Family
Managing Wedding Stress

Conflict Resolution: 10 Steps to Resolving Conflict
Separating the Person from the Problem
Seeking and Granting Forgiveness
Taking Time-Out

Financial Management
The Importance of Setting Financial Goals
Creating a Budget

Expressions of Intimacy: Friends, Playmates and Lovers
Dating your Mate
Sex and Affection

Relationship Roles
Establishing a Partnership
Conducting the Business of the Marriage
Creating a Division of Labor

Managing Expectations
Spiritual Beliefs
Children and Parenting
Comparing Families of Origin

Note: The initial session is approximately 60 minutes $160.00. Cost of assessment and therapist's time to review the results and prepare before the next session is $120.00. Sessions to follow are charged at the standard 45 minute rate of $120.00.