The Porn Trap

We are natural voyeurs. We never seem to tire of watching other people. Our inveterate curiosity tempts us to snoop and gossip. But nothing holds our interest as firmly as the shape of another person’s body, especially the opposite sex and specifically the female form. Women look at other women and feel superior or inferior. Men look at women and lust.

Herein lies the inherent basis of the male’s vulnerability to pornography. He is designed by nature to be visually attracted to the female form. It is this attraction that brings a man and a woman together to become a couple. But this is not where it ends for the man. Being bonded with the woman of his choice does not relieve him of the desire to look at other women and imagine having sex with them. Pornography provides the opportunity to digitally fulfill this curiosity and, if unchecked, lure the man to the physical fulfillment of his lust.

Does the fact that the desire is natural permit the man to indulge his lust? The answer is no. The desire to look at the female form is insatiable and irrational. It is driven by the most primitive part of our brain where the sense to survive is stored. It is impersonal and detached. If indulged, it will weaken the man’s bond with his mate and decrease his sexual desire for her. Researchers have discovered that the effects of repeated exposure to standard, non-violent pornography increases the man’s callousness toward women; distorts his perceptions about sexuality; devalues the importance of monogamy; decreases satisfaction with his wife’s sexual performance, affection and appearance and raises doubts about the value of marriage. If pornography has intruded into your relationship, there is help for you

Copyright 2011 – Dr. Orville E. Easterly All Rights Reserved – Do not copy.